Nature Journaling: 5 Minutes Counts

On June first, I was toying with the idea of giving myself a nature journaling challenge for the month, like I did last July. Three different families of Canada geese have been feeding in our yard and while I’ve been watching them closely, I hadn’t gotten out my journal to record my observations. When I did, I discovered that the most recent entry was from late March.

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Overcoming My Unrecognized Nature Journaling Expectation

Last week, I admitted I was having trouble with my nature journaling project. This week, I think I have some insight as to why. I’ve been letting unrecognized expectations get in my way.

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Nature Journaling: The Pitfalls of Studio Work

My first week of Nature Journal July was exciting and educational. I decided from the start that I would try … More Nature Journaling: The Pitfalls of Studio Work

Diagramming Bald Eagles: My Nature Journal Project

While I’ve been interested in nature journaling for years, I’ve struggled to develop a good journaling habit. I am lucky enough to live on a lake, which seems like an ideal place to observe nature. But in fact, most of the birds and animals I see are so far away it’s hard to make out details, even with binoculars. Cold weather and poor health have made it hard to get outside where I might get a better look. Then two pieces of advice changed everything for me.

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