While I was on break, I discovered junk journals. YouTube is full of inspiring tutorial and flip-through videos of these handmade books. The big draw for me was the combination of using papers and images I love to make a book I could write in, and I loved the result so much, I made a video.

While there are a lot of photos in this post, it’s easier to get the interactive feel of my journal via video.
The spine is covered with fabric, the front and back with scrapbooking paper. I glued ribbon over the place where the two join for a finished look.
This pocket holds a card and journaling paper, with a tag tucked in a belly band on the front.

Junk journals are a cross between art journaling and scrapbooking. After watching some of Kate Mower’s videos (KatesJunkJournals; her last name rhymes with “power”), I was inspired to make my own. What excited me was Mower’s emphasis on having plenty of space to actually write on.

This pocket holds another pocket with journaling cards. Both the pullout pocket and the tag have folded paper on the back for more writing space.
This envelope holds a card for journaling while covering up the threads that tie the pages into the journal. (I can’t remember where I got this idea from…)

Most art journal entries emphasize the art and what little writing they contain is often illegible. To make a journal specifically for writing in? I couldn’t resist. Being able to use the postcards, wrapping paper, old photos, and random art supplies I have been collecting for years was a wonderful bonus.

it’s best to put lumpy hard stuff on things you won’t be writing on , which is why I put this button on a pocket. Then I realized it will still be tricky writing on the back of this page. Oops.
The rainbow paper has a pocket on the front and more journaling space on the back.

So I made my first junk journal. It’s called Sunny (my one-word theme for 2021). I used scrapbook papers* as my base, then added other papers I had lying around. The fact that I only had to buy one thing for this project (glue that wouldn’t make the paper pucker) proves that junk journals are right up my alley.

The last page has cards tucked under a belly band. The tags in the pocket on the back cover all have fold out writing space on the back.
The plaid paper is both a pocket and a secret writing space. The scrap of lace at the bottom right is a tab to hold the flap closed. The graph paper envelope also unfolds into writing space. Inspired by a tutorial from The Paper Outpost.

I haven’t written in Sunny yet because I wanted to take photos for this post. But now that that’s done, I can start adding the things I’ve been thinking of including. First in? The cards I got from my family for my birthday and a story about something nice someone said to me. It’s so nice to have a place to collect all my happy thoughts.

Have you heard of junk journals before? How do you store the paper items and memories you collect? Would you use a junk journal if you had one?

*Most of the scrapbook papers come from a Pathways pad by Michelle Anderson: Illuminations. The print date is 2006, so it’s probably not available anymore.

8 thoughts on “My First Junk Journal… and Video”

  1. Wow! EAch page is like an artwork. It is so fabulous that you have materials on hand that you love to use which make a beautiful book! Congratulations!

  2. Now I have a way to use all those little bits and pieces I couldn’t bear to toss. Great idea, and beautiful book.

    1. Thanks! I was very excited to find a home for all my pretty bits and pieces. Now I have a way to keep them forever!

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