Prancing Pony Podcast Season 5: Summary Graphs and Stats

Oddly enough, the word to describe the pop culture references made by Alan Sisto and Shawn Marchese during Season 5 … More Prancing Pony Podcast Season 5: Summary Graphs and Stats

PPP Statistics Behind-The-Scenes: How I Collect The Data

I’ll be the first to admit my data collection of pop culture references made by Alan Sisto and Shawn Marchese during The Prancing Pony Podcast episodes is not perfect. I have rules about what I do and don’t record, limitations that generate errors, and the usual challenge of being human. Below, I lay out the sources of error for those wondering why a reference they were sure got made didn’t wind up on my charts somewhere.

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5 DIY Lessons I Learned Making a Junk Journal

After watching a bunch of videos, I made my first junk journal this spring. I’ve made lots of things over the years, including books, but as usual, my creative process was full of lessons. Here are five things I learned that are important to remember whenever you want to make something:

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Brain Chain 2: The Library Book

My recent reading has resulted in a literary brain chain. Links include non-fiction, mystery, historical fiction, and young adult books, old favorites and new finds. Here’s how they’re connected:

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My First Junk Journal… and Video

While I was on break, I discovered junk journals. YouTube is full of inspiring tutorial and flip-through videos of these handmade books. The big draw for me was the combination of using papers and images I love to make a book I could write in, and I loved the result so much, I made a video.

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