Moving Stories of Compassion

Today is the anniversary of the first mass posting on compassion by members of 1000 Voices of Compassion. What did I learn writing a post every month about some aspect of compassion? That compassion is, like everything important in life, complicated, difficult, and worth the effort. I could point you to the posts I wrote that taught me the most, but I realized I learned even more from others. So here are three links to my favorite compassion posts from the past twelve months.



The first is a story about nurturing that reminds us that overdoing it can be as bad as neglect.

I also loved the story of an unlikely angel who told a woman who’s son had been attacked that the attacker was more in need of her prayer than her suffering son.

The last story, about a woman who was grateful for the cancer the that took her daughter, resonated so deeply with me, it inspired me to write about my own unexpected gratitude for a suicide attempt.

I hope you’ll take time to visit at least one of these posts. You’ll find deep feeling and a new way of seeing the world in each of them.

Today, members of 1000 Voices of Compassion are celebrating a year of compassion. To see a list of other posts on compassion, click here.

10 thoughts on “Moving Stories of Compassion”

  1. Kit, I’m so glad you’ve found the posts of this past year so helpful and so touching. There have been some truly amazing stories shared, and thank you for highlighting the ones which meant most to you. Here’s to the second year of #1000Speak 🙂

    1. I’m definitely inspired what others write about their experiences trying to be compassionate in the modern world. I’ve learned a lot, too, but I felt like the original posts explained what I learned better than I could.

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