Enchanting or Terrifying? Noises in the Dark

While camping in the foothills of Colorado earlier this month, we were serenaded by a bull elk. We first heard … More Enchanting or Terrifying? Noises in the Dark

Safe Low-Tech Solar Eclipse Viewing

Last Saturday, there was an annular eclipse of the sun which we could see as a partial eclipse in Colorado. You can’t look directly at the sun without protective lenses and we didn’t have any with us, so Kurt and I used low-tech methods to observe the progression of the eclipse. I loved every minute of it.

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When Your Bird Isn’t Average: Challenges in Identification

In early October, my sister brought me dead bird she found in our yard. Despite having the bird “in hand” (I didn’t actually hold it) and recording it in my nature journal, I came away uncertain of the species. While I was convinced it was some kind of thrush, probably a hermit thrush, there were a few things that left me uncertain. The main point of confusion was its size. It was much too small.

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Nature Journal July: Success Despite Broken Rules

July has come and gone, and I learned a lot from my self-imposed nature journal challenge. While I failed to follow all the guidelines, I still feel like my month of nature journaling was a big success. Here are the rules I set for myself, and how well they worked for me.

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